The Stable, Wick Lane, Hewish, North Somerset BS24 6RR
Tel: 01934 876665
On the 1st January 2019 the UK introduced a new version of BS7671 – also known as ‘The 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations”. This holds dual status as both a British Standard document and a legally enforceable regulation and it has its origins in the international standard IEC 60364.
Essentially there are now five criteria where Surge Protection Devices (SPD’s) are mandatory, the standard is quite clear it states “SPD’s shall be fitted if”:
If any of these five criteria apply to your structure or project then an SPD is mandatory, if they are not applicable then the regulations say that you must still carry out a risk assessment to determine if SPD’s are required.
The risk assessment is intended for electricians to complete with assistance from their client, but it is a long and complex procedure, the regulations state that if you choose not to carry out the risk assessment then again you must install SPD’s.
If you require any further information please contact us.